Friday, February 23, 2007

Free programs for returning veterans and their families

The City of Bedford has graciously offered space at Ellenwood Center for four sessions of Imagination Arts once a month. Bedford businesses are offering discounts and gifts as a "thank you" to veterans and their families participating in the program.

The benefits of doing the games and exercises in an Imagination Arts Program include stress relief, bonding, right-brain exercise, fun and relaxation.

There will be four sessions, beginning at 9 A.M, once a month.

Session 1: 9 to 10:30
Session 2: 11 to 12:30

Session 3: 1:30 to 3:00
Session 4: 3:30 to 5:00

The introductory program is March 22, with following programs on each second Thursday.

The 2007 schedule is:

March 22,___April 12,____May 10,____June 7,___July 12
August 9,___September 13,__October 11,__November 8,_December 13

Imagination Arts programs are for families and children from age 5. (Younger children may attend at their parents’ discretion.) Proven learn-to-draw techniques are used to access the right side of the brain.

All artists know peace and contentment that they experience while creating art.

Imagination Arts games and activities, set to music, allow the non-artist to experience the same beneficial effects of right-brain activity, without the pressure of creating an artwork. The program is a fun, family-oriented activity, and the exercises can be done at home as follow up or a family activity.

Call (two one six) 577-9874 to register or for more information. Registration is required, as each session has a maximum of 20 participants.

Location: 124 Ellenwood Avenue, Bedford OH 44146


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