Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Workshop Opportunity for Cleveland Area Schools

Click on image for enlargement.

Spring is in the air!

Provide students with an innovative tool to:
• Focus
• Activate Imagination
• Calm Spring Fever
• Ignite Creativity

All age groups benefit, including teachers!

The Imagination Arts program uses a motivational talk & slide show, instruction, and a beginning drawing exercise to teach students to let go of circular thinking and enable concentration. Doing the exercises is calming before tests and opens the brain to contemplative thought for creative writing and problem solving.

The program can be matched to the hosting class, whether it is English, math, art, or social studies. Each teacher requesting the class may give an overview of what is being taught and how innovation and creative thinking would help excite the students to the current topic.

One room for the program should be provided for all day presentations to ease set-up time. With time between classes, the program is mobile. Tables or writing surfaces are required. Pens and clipboards are provided. The school should provide two reams of copy paper per day for supplies.

The cost for this all-day opportunity for your students is $200.

Kristen Boyesen has 20 years experience as an art instructor for workshops and private lessons, as college adjunct for drawing classes, a public speaker-demonstrator for groups and organizations, and motivational speaker at wellness facilities.

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